Recent Favourites February 1-16

i hear both Wiarton Willie and Punxsutawney Phil have predicted an early spring for us North Americans. HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY!

Happy Chinese New Year! 

Meet Benny: SNOW VICTIM.

PRODUCT ENDORSEMENT: check out the swanky new food bowls for the crew. they are eco-friendly (made out of bamboo), sturdy, and a pretty colour. they are easy to clean and grip the floor nicely. i love them! the company who manufactures them is Ethical Products Inc. and i purchased them at Metro Hound (Toronto). call them to check on their stock. 

Archie was not feeling the snow this weekend… he could not get inside faster. 

lately i’ve been referring to my crew as the “snuggle beasts.” You can see why. 

Archie the cat has two humps. 

My favourite inch in this world is L.D.’s shiny black button nose. needless to say it gets a lot of kisses. 

a sad farewell to Benji the donkey, who passed away this week. here he is with Rourke at their typical stand-off fence (October 2012). it’s fun to imagine what their conversations must have been about. 

at one point during my session with Beau, he was sitting with he back to me. i called his name and instead of turning his head to the side to look at me, he flipped his head backwards and upside-down… what a goof! i couldn’t stop laughing. 

when you live your life with a dog, every day is Valentine’s Day! 

The Ginger Gang’s theme song of the day has definitely been “I’ve Had the Time of My Life.” 

a little Valentine’s throwback to the pre-Archie days. this was out 2010 Valentine’s Day card. 


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