Weekly Facebook Round-Up

ENJOY the posts from the Marcia Leeder Photography Facebook Page.


i greet you today with a heavy heart. last night i found out that my buddy Stanley, the first cat i ever lived with, passed away. miss ya big guy. xo

while i was going through my old photos yesterday, i came across one of my favourites of Cameron as a kitten (from 2006). and now for some reason i have a craving for a burrito… who’s ready to make to most out of this Victoria Day long weekend…or as we refer to it in Ontario…May-Two-Four? I think Tichka’s ready. so, apparently in a few hours the animals could be ruling the earth. now that would be a change for the better in my opinion. Happy Rapture Day! i do believe that this what is referred to as PURE JOY! after all the sad news i’ve been posting lately, i felt i was overdue to start the day with a smile. meet Blue, the laughing hound, and his goofy grin i love so much. i hope he makes you smile too! is it just me or are the dandelions out of control this year? don’t stay still too long Little Dude…they might plant their unruly seeds in those big ears! woo hoo! my retro kitchen chairs finally arrived! Miss Cammy decided that she would be the first to give them her booty stamp of approval. it’s a Double-Cammy Day! just a few minutes ago i caught her skulking near the vase of gorgeous flowers i received today. not that i can blame her, they’re a rarity around this house.


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