The Dirty Girl
remember this sweet little puppy? (click the link to refresh your mind).
well, Miss Bailey has grown up pretty fast and now she’s 10 months old. this past weekend we joined her and her family for a walk and she definitely made the most of our spring weather!
to say that “labs love water” is a bit of an understatement. i do believe they LIVE FOR IT and from the happy look on Bailey‘s face, i would say we showed her the time of her life.
the first muddy puddle we passed and Bailey was all in!
“oh ya…that’s the stuff!”
shake it baby, shake it!
the dirtier the tongue, the happier the dog!
we passed many sets of adorable wet paw prints as we walked along the boardwalk.
what can i say…i have an odd fascination of taking photographs of dogs doing their business (enjoy my Batman homage?).
eventually the dirty girl, found a cleaner water source to frolic in. and when she was finished she made sure to give Tichka and LD their own shower, Bailey-style!
so Bailey girl…was that a fun time or what?!
Hilarious Marcia! Bailey sure is one happy dog in her muddy puddle. The pooping shot made me laugh too.
Haha! What a happy girl! Carter would have loved those mud puddles, too. Good thing Bailey found some clean water to finish off or mom might not have been quite so amused.
Haha! Happy girl! Carter would have loved those mud puddles, too! Good thing Baiely found some clean water to finish off or mom might not have been quite so amused!
I love the face pictures, she looks so happy.
My malamute LOVES the water. Funny story, i was out for a walk with her (and a friend and 3 other dogs) when she noticed a nice shiny puddle about 100 yards away. well the ears went up and she raced to it at full speed, only when she got there she fell and slid a couple feet. It was still ice.