Ginger Bro Reunion

many of you may already know the story of how i met my hilarious kitten Archie. for those of you who are new to the blog, you can check out the tale of my purr-man along with his litter mates in the Riverdale Gang post.

i have been in contact with the family who adopted the two other ginger boys, Reggie and Moose. now that they are 6 months old, i thought it might be fun to host a mini reunion for the brothers.

earlier this week, i let them loose in my bedroom and hilarity ensued. there was minimal hissing, a few stare-downs and a newly discovered hiding spot.

thank you crystal for your patience with my nutty idea.


Archie and Reggie (the twins) meet face to face…

…and then Reggie and Moose take off and hang with the dust bunnies under the bed for an hour.

oooh, Moose is ready to come say hi…

Peek-a-boo! Finally, Moose ventures out from under the bed and Archie offers him a brotherly dap.


“Wha-choo talkin’ ’bout Willis?”

“Why am I here?”

Moose got some alone time without Archie in his face.

Moose, you are such a gorgeous guy!

And then Moose discovered THE WINDOW (and snow)!


Moose got comfortable on the window ledge….and then he joined his brother Reggie under the bed (again).

So not only were the cats under the bed, but they had weaseled their way up into the box-spring, via a convenient hole in the fabric, that i did not know existed (ahem…Archie)! So we had to dissemble the bed to get them out.


Come on out, Moose!

Reggie, finally out from under the bed, snuggled in for some lovin’ from his momma.

Reggie was also mesmerized by the falling snow.

thanks again boys for the visit. i’m sad that i didn’t get a shot of all three together, but boys will be boys…or rather kittens will be kittens.

7 comments on “Ginger Bro Reunion”

  1. Crystal says:

    Oh my goodness Marcia they are so great! I love them all! The last one is so cute how we’re both looking out the window :)And Moose looks so grown up in these pictures

  2. Naomi says:

    I love them all, but the last one & the one where he’s looking out the window are perfect!

    I once had two of my pitbulls tunnel into a mattress when I left them to their own devices for a half hour! They were both inside it when I arrived home! I’ll never forget the “Look what we did!” looks on their faces! Ha ha!

  3. How do you know you got the right cat back, they all look so alike!

  4. Actually, on 2nd look, Reggie has a longer face and is distinguishable, but Moose and Archie sure are similar!

  5. Newfidadian says:

    Adorable! I love the light in your photos Marcia!

  6. lynda hixson says:

    we often get woodlets together to play and even when they haven’t come from the same mom, they get along like a house on fire. Just last weekend we had a couple together, Rory, Buster and Amy. The looks on their faces when they saw each other was priceless, but unfortunately I am not that great or quick with the camera. They played so hard, run and chase, grab the ball, sniff and sniff. They ended up in a heap, tongues lolling. looking incredibly pleased with themselves and life ……it was wonderful and made me miss woody a bit less

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