
I grew up with dogs…never had a cat… 

Until one day, an awesome little kitten came into my life and showed me exactly what i was missing.

In late fall of 2006, my friend and I were coming out of a concert at Cameron house on Cameron street…I think where her name comes from is now pretty obvious.

As we were walking to the car, this scruffy ginger kitty jumped out from the bushes, began purring and rubbing up against my legs. We guessed her age to be around 6-8 months old and  from her appearance (and stench) we also assumed that she was a stray.

Now even though at the time, I was not 100% comfortable around cats, I love all animals and my heart was absolutely melting that this adorable little cutie wanted to hang with me.

Just as my friend was warning me, “Don’t pick her up. you’ll get too attach…”, I swooped the little stinker up in my arms where she continued to snuggle and purr into my neck…instant true love. Fearing for her safety and well-being (she obviously needed some love)…and the fact that she kept following us, I took her home for the night.

For those of you getting outraged…”You may have stolen someone else’s cat!”, easy now…I had those thoughts too. Her lack of hygiene, collar (and chip as I soon found out) were good signs that she didn’t have anyone to care for her. But just to be on the safe side, the next morning I brought her to one of our city animal shelters. If somebody missed here that is where they would find her. But if nobody claimed her I made sure that I was first on the list to adopt her.

I went to visit her a few times during her incarceration. The first time I walked in the room, she stood up in her cage and let out the loudest meow that I have ever heard. I remember the vet tech saying, “Boy, she sure knows who YOU are!”…and we had a laugh.

Once her ‘jail time’ was up and nobody claimed her, she came home to live with us.

I was pleasantly surprised how quickly Cameron and my dog Tichka tolerated each other. Once Little Dude came along a year later, Cameron found a true friend in him.

Cameron is a such an amazing little soul. I always thought cats were stand-offish and snobby…until I met Cameron. She has many dog-like characteristics. She comes when called, has her own set of tricks, loves affection, is always social and playful with everyone she meets. She is the first to greet any visitors that come to the house with her adorable scratchy little chirps. She has charmed many of my friends and (dare I say) that they tell me in secret that she’s their favourite.

Her personality crack me up. She enjoys wrapping herself around my neck like a stole while I work, hiding in the dresser drawers, and loves napping in the paper recycling box under my desk. When I am neck-deep in work, she reminds me to give her food and affection by gently pawing at my leg. She also has quite the passion for exploring…climbing onto the kitchen roof from my office window, hanging out on the roof of the shed, stalking the squirrels in the backyard trees and making friends with the neighbourhood cats that visit our yard.

I love my silly Cammy C. I couldn’t imagine my household of critters without her.

UPDATE: Summer of 2010 Archie came into our lives and even though it was a rocky start with Cameron, i am happy to report they are now pals.

 UPDATE: Summer of 2014: Cameron is missing. Please help me find her by sharing this poster.


Cameron at 6-8 months(ish)

Cameron at 4 years old (today)


she freaked me out the first time i caught her on the roof, but it’s her happy hangout now.

at least she protects the house from the squirrels!

my tree climber. and fence climber. she even enjoys the snow!

she’s always itchin’ to get outside and explore.

always…her favourite indoor places to hang are the bathroom sink… my bed…

any empty box she can find…

the laundry hamper…

and my recycle bin (CAUGHT!).

she’s my loving beauty with heaps of patience…my Cammy Cam.

4 comments on “Cameron”

  1. K-Famer says:

    Sounds like her and the monster that is Super Tuxy Tux are sole mates. He also greets us at the door like a puppy and just loves to talk…I’ve never had a cat quite like him. People actually point out that it’s James only in cat form which I can totally see now.

    PS I totally love all your animals

  2. tabitha says:

    Awwwww…..I loved reading about your adorable Cameron and how she came to be in your life. I don’t know what I’d do without the company of my crazy cats either. I always thought I was more of a dog person too until I worked at the animal shelter. Now look at me! She sounds like she has a similar personality to my cats. If she ever needs a playdate, she has 3 kitty cousins that would love to meet her. 🙂
    Tabitha, Karma, Chimo, and Maverick.

  3. Melanie says:

    I love that story!!!…how Cameron came into your life. Soooooo cute.

  4. Cathy Leeder says:

    Great job I’ve known Cameron for six years but I think I know her a little better now great story

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